The quantity of money in an economy is central to determining the state of that economy& it affects the level of prices, the rate of economic growth and the level of employment. 经济中的货币量是决定经济状况的核心因素,影响到物价水平,经济增长速度和就业率。
Demand under the Level of Full Employment: Causes and Countermeasures; Analysis and Strategy for the Demand Management of Water Resources 需求低于充分就业水平的原因及对策水资源需求管理研究分析与实施建议
We also assessed work hours, psychological job demands, job control, level of education, employment grade, and family care workloads. 问卷中也测量其他因素包括工作时数、工作负荷、工作控制感、教育程度、职业等级、家庭照顾负荷等。
China has made remarkable achievements in the economic development but it is faced with a series of problems, such as low technological level, high pressure of employment and environment, etc. 中国的经济发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,但仍面临技术水平有待提高、就业压力和环境压力增大等一系列问题。
Earning lower profits than normal would send misleading signals, distorting the proper level of investment and employment in that sector. 赚取低于正常水平的利润,会发出具有误导性的信号,扭曲该领域正常的投资和雇佣水平。
Commitments to fund infrastructure over many years might include a commitment that a financing mechanism such as a gasoline tax would be triggered when some level of employment or output growth has been achieved for a given interval. 为基础设施提供多年融资的承诺可以包括这样一项承诺:当在一定时间内就业或产出增长达到一定水平时,将触发汽油税之类的融资机制。
With the finance sector unlikely to return to the pre-crisis level of employment any time soon, the cost of having a large mass of out-of-work bankers and traders will take years to be amortised. 由于金融业不大可能很快回到危机前的就业水平,大量银行家和交易员失业的代价将需要数年时间才能消化。
Promoting enterprise education to raise the level of employment of University Students 推进高校创业教育提升大学生就业水平
The current situation, financial crisis, the adverse impact to our country has not been eliminated, from the macro level in terms of the employment situation is still very grim. 当前形势下,金融危机给我国造成的不利影响还没有消除,从整个宏观层面上讲就业形势仍旧很严峻。
Youth is a dynamic group and the level of youth employment relates with economic and social development and social harmony and stability. 青年作为一个充满活力的群体,其就业程度事关经济社会发展和社会和谐稳定。
The SWR coefficient is concerned with labor force situation, structure and local level of employment of the project site. 影子工资系数与工程所在地劳动力状况、结构及当地就业水平有关。
Furthermore, the relationship between the policy comprehension, the income level, the situation of employment, the ownership of enterprise and the actual join rate is discussed. 进一步地,文章通过联列分析的方法,分析了民众对政策的了解程度、收入水平、就业状况和企业所有制等因素与实际参保率之间的关系。
We should strengthen the leadership to improve their thinking cognition, ensure polices and measures, working responsibility and staffs and funds to promote the guiding level of graduates employment and employment rate and quality. 对毕业生就业工作要切实加强领导,做到思想认识到位,政策措施到位,工作责任到位,人员经费到位,不断提高毕业生就业指导水平,提高毕业生就业率和就业质量。
Therefore, we must promote the combination of employment guidance and ideological work so as to raise the level of employment guidance. 高校职业指导要与大学生思想政治工作相结合,提升职业指导的水平。
An Empirical Analysis on the Change of Industrial Structure and the Level of Employment in China 中国产业结构变动与就业水平的实证研究
So, level of management and employment needed the target and plan for go out of hard status and strengthen belief of people. 于是,管理层与员工都需要一个长远规划或目标,消除人们的疑虑,增强人们信心,激发人们的热情。
To a certain extent, tourism directly determines the level of employment in other departments. 旅游业是主要的就业渠道之一,它在某种程度上直接决定着许多其它部门的就业水平。
Applying the single-equation econometric model, the author models the relationship between the industry including the primary, the secondary and the tertiary and the level of employment. 文章运用时间序列和计量模型研究了中国产业结构与就业水平之间的发展关系。
Thus, the level of labor division becomes an important index to measure quality of economic growth, while the level of employment becomes an index to measure the quantity of economic growth. 分工水平成为衡量经济增长质量的重要指标,就业水平成为衡量经济增长数量的重要指标。
It comes to a conclusion that demand under the level of full employment is partly due to the supply of economics and partly due to the demand. 然后应用该函数对需求低于充分就业水平的原因进行分析,需求低于充分就业水平的原因部分属于经济的供给方面,部分属于经济的需求方面;
The result indicates: a long equilibrium exists between level of modern service industry and level of employment, the employment elasticity of tertiary industry in the Central region has an ascending trend, the tertiary industry will become the main channel to absorb labors in the Central region. 估计结果表明:现代服务业发展水平与就业水平之间存在长期均衡关系,中部地区第三产业的就业弹性有不断上升的趋势,第三产业将成为中部地区吸纳劳动力的主要渠道。
Most of peasant middle and low flexible employment work in informal employment engaging in flexible employment, they are in low degree and low skill, lack of employment training, they are at the basic level of flexible employment. 进城务工的农民工大多分布在非正规部门中从事灵活就业,他们文化程度不高、没有经过专门的就业培训,技术技能水平差,处于灵活就业群体的中低层。
The process of safety regulation will be affected by lots of factors, such as level of regulation, employment, earnings, education, and so on. Because of these factors, the effect of regulation will show complex changes. 造成这种现象主要是因为煤矿安全管制在执行中受多种因素的影响,如管制水平、就业水平、人均收入、员工教育状况等,管制效果在这些因素的影响下会呈现出复杂性。
How to improve the level of city and employment, how to coordinate the interaction of them, are the world especially in developing countries need to resolve a major issues. 如何提高城市水平及就业、如何协调城市化与就业的良性互动,是目前世界特别是发展中国家必须研究解决的重大课题。
Industrial agglomeration is the important source in the vibrant eastern coastal areas in China and plays a very important role in the promotion of industrialization, urbanization process and the level of employment. 产业集聚经济已是中国东部沿海地区经济充满活力的重要源泉,在促进工业化和城市化进程,提高就业水平等方面起着十分重要的作用。
Either from industry segment or level of income, employment and economic growth at different levels, the economy of each country is connected with other countries because of trade, investment. 无论是从产业部门还是从收入水平、就业和经济增长等不同层面来看,每个国家的经济都因与其他国家之间的贸易、投资而联系在一起。
Launched in 2004, the three edition of labor market information system was designed for business management of municipal, district ( county) level of employment management mechanism. 2004年推出的《劳动力市场信息系统三版》是针对市级、区(县)级就业管理机构业务管理设计实现的。
Overall, the more family give financial support, then the more it will benefit for the disadvantaged family back-grounds of graduates to find a more desirable position, and can improve the overall level of employment. 总体方面,家庭给予的经济支持越多,那么越有利于家庭背景劣势的毕业生找到更合意的职位,且能提高总体的就业水平。
Then analyzed the factors restricting the transfer of rural surplus labor in Jilin province from the microscopic point of view, including two aspects of farmers 'low level of education and employment concepts of traditional factors. 然后从微观角度分析了影响吉林省农村剩余劳动力转移的制约因素,包括农民受教育程度低和就业观念传统两方面因素。
Traditional international trade theory in the study of the impact of trade on the economy generally assumed that the commodity market and factor markets are perfectly competed and all the elements has sufficient liquidity, which means that trade will not affect the level of total employment. 传统国际贸易理论在研究贸易对经济的影响时通常假定商品市场和要素市场完全竞争且各要素都具有充分的流动性,这意味着贸易不会影响总就业水平。